News: Monday 1st June

Monday 1stJune
Good afternoon,
We hope you are all keeping safe, well and sensible throughout these times we remain in lockdown.
We would just like to update you all again on our current situation with returning to work and when things are hoping to continue.
Whilst it has been said from the Government that from the 15thJune unessential retail etc. can begin to open its doors, at this present time for ourselves this may not yet be possible. We are hoping for the 15thJune like many, however, we cannot guarantee this. We could be considering more the beginning of July that we will open our Showroom to the public. However, as with everything, we will of course be making sure to update you all throughout these next coming weeks on that.
As of today, our fitters are slowly returning to work but with fittings to empty properties starting off. Whilst we are taking things into consideration and fully understand that many of our customers were booked in before lockdown, we cannot stress enough that things remain difficult with entering occupied homes at present. We are doing all we can with putting things in place ready for when it is safe enough to enter those occupied homes, of which as explained on our previous statement, those bookings before lockdown will be our priority on return. We are thinking safely and sensibly not only for ourselves but for you. Again, for this we do not have a definite date but we are hoping that the earliest that we can continue with entering homes that are occupied will be from the 15thJune onward but again, we cannot guarantee this. We will continue to update on this and contact those relevant customers accordingly.
Along with this will come a series of questions and guidelines that will be asked and passed on to our customers to ensure that all is safe for yourselves and our fitters for when we can proceed. So please do keep up to date with those when they are ready.
As we have stated previously, we have received a large amount of enquires throughout lockdown which continue to come through. Please be assured that those who have been in contact throughout lockdown will be contacted by ourselves as soon as we can do so. We haven’t forgotten about anyone, we are doing all we can to ensure we are prepared, safe and covered for when we can progress with those enquires.
We cannot thank you all enough again for your understanding and patience throughout but please do continue to bear with us. These are still very unprecedented times and unfortunately things will not be back to normal straight away. There is a lot to take into consideration now and we need to be safe and sensible with how we go about our services. Thanks so much again, we will continue to keep everyone updated as best as we can via our usual means of social media, website, phone, email and post.
Take care, be safe and be sensible,