News: Its almost that time of the year✨?

We know it may seem early still but Christmas is not too far away from us now and we will be updating you all of our Festive Opening Hours very soon, so please do keep an eye out for when our little shop will be open over Christmas✨
We do like to remind our customers as we are approaching the festive season to bare in mind, if you are looking to have any Flooring, Curtains or Blinds made and fitted before Christmas, please please please do get in touch with us as soon as possible to not disappoint. We cannot stress this enough that appointments for measures and fitting fill up extremely quickly this time of the year. We also have our Seamstress and Suppliers to bare in mind, as they too become extremely busy and have cut off dates for the Christmas holidays ~ dates to follow shortly ~ So please do get in touch with us as soon as possible to get a date in the diary!